About Us
Our Mission
To enhance the experience of living in our community; to play an active role in helping it be a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling place (and way) to live.
Angel Island Adventure Race
Photo by Rachel Simpson
Hilarita and Hills from Belvedere - 1944
Photo courtesy of Belvedere-Tiburon Landmarks Society
Joe Avella and cows circa 1940
Photo courtesy of Belvedere-Tiburon Landmarks Society
Our History
In June 1975 the City of Belvedere and Town of Tiburon entered into a Joint Powers Agreement that established the Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Recreation Committee. The purpose of the agreement was to create a recreation committee that would formulate, administer and operate recreation programs and facilities for the residents of Belvedere and Tiburon. Although we are still officially Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Recreation Committee, in 2013 we changed our name to The Ranch. Our name pays homage to the Hilarita Dairy and Ranch that once operated on our land.
The governing committee consists of nine members, four appointed by the City of Belvedere (one of which is a council member), four appointed by the Town of Tiburon (one of which is a council member) and a ninth member appointed by and being a member of the Reed Union School District.
Through the years it has been expressly understood that the purpose of creating a separate public entity was to ensure that recreation services for Tiburon Peninsula residents would be supported by participant fees rather than subsidized by tax dollars.
The department’s ability to maintain a self-supporting status can be attributed to the committee’s emphasis on providing quality recreation programs while strictly allocating available resources. The department’s budget supports eight administrators and six part-time recreation leaders.
The Ranch offers over 500 classes and activities each year and registers over 4,800 participants in association with these programs! We look forward to being able to share with you all the wonderful programs and services we have to offer.
Joint Powers Agreement
The Ranch (Belvedere Tiburon Joint Recreation), is a government entity formed by a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA)
Joint Powers Agreement & Bylaws - 2001
The Ranch is a public agency formed under a Joint Powers Agreement between the Town of Tiburon and the City of Belvedere in 1975. The Town and City Councils agreed to jointly form a recreation committee whose purpose was to meet the recreational needs of the two communities. The Board consists of 9 members. Unlike most city recreation departments, The Ranch does not receive annual tax-payer funding.
The Town Council of the Town of Tiburon and City Council of the City of Belvedere each select and appoint three citizens and one Council Member to serve on The Ranch Board. The ninth member is designated an 'at-large' member and to the extent possible is appointed by the Reed Union School District.
The role of The Ranch Board is to act as the governing board. They adopt a strategic plan, set goals and objectives and set policy and program philosophies which affect the agency's operations. Board Members receive no direct compensation of any kind from the district. Term commitments are 4 years. City, Town & School District Representatives are not held to a 4 year commitment.